Southeast Michigan Land Conservancy
The Southeast Michigan Land Conservancy conserves natural land and open space -- including forests, wetlands, meadows, agricultural lands, and places of scenic beauty -- to provide habitat for wildlife and to enrich the lives of people.

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How Can I Protect My Land?
SMLC Nature Preserves
SMLC Community Organic Garden
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SMLC Local Chapter:
Superior Township Chapter

Superior Township Chapter

Photo by Ann O'Hagan

Bloodroot flowering in the Superior Greenway located in Superior Township, Washtenaw County.

Photo by Charles Scott.

Southeast Michigan Land Conservancy's (SMLC) Superior Township Chapter (STC) is active in 'Preserving the rural character and natural habitats of Superior Township'.  Members of this local chapter gather to enjoy hikes on SMLC's Superior Township preserves, organize work days for projects such as the Native Plant & Insect Garden at Jack R. Smiley Nature Preserve, and promote SMLC at local fairs and festivals by staffing booths and interacting with the community.

SMLC headquarters are located in Superior Township at the Conservancy Farm. Together we work with many local and regional governments as well as other land conservancies to continue saving open spaces and natural areas near where we live.

Since its formation in 1991, STC has demonstrated that local residents can make a difference in raising awareness about the importance of land conservation and maintaining the quality of life in their community.

Donate to the Superior Township Fund:

The Superior Township Fund funds SMLC and STC work in Superior Township.

To support the Superior Township Fund, click here for SMLC's Donation Form. Be sure to write "Superior Township Fund" on the form to direct your gift.

Or, go to SMLC's Giving Options Page and write "Superior Township Fund" in the memo line of the option you choose.

For more info:

STC mails out newsletters to SMLC supporters. To see what we've been doing lately, you can take a look at the most recent issue here:

STC Update Newsletter Summer 2023 (PDF)

Contact Us:

    Superior Township Chapter
    Southeast Michigan Land Conservancy
    8383 Vreeland Rd.
    Superior Township, MI 48198

    call: (734) 484-6565

Southeast Michigan Land Conservancy  |  8383 Vreeland Road, Superior Township, MI 48198  |  (734) 484-6565  |
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